
steam mop/ 5合一多功能蒸汽拖把/真正厂家接受定做X10X12X6拖把




steam mop/ 5合一多功能蒸汽拖把/真正厂家接受steam mop/ 5合一多功能蒸汽拖把/真正厂家接受定做定做



steam mop/ 5合一多功能蒸汽拖把/真正厂家接受定做


steam mop/ 5合一多功能蒸汽拖把/真正厂家接受定做steam mop/ 5合一多功能蒸汽拖把/真正厂家接受定做


steam mop/ 5合一多功能蒸汽拖把/真正厂家接受定做


steam cleaner

this steam mop x5 can be:


1) floor steamer cleaner
2) carpet steamer
3) hand-held steamer
4) window cleaner

5) garment steamer

your unit comes complete  with:

steam mop x5
1 micro fibre cloth
1 carpet glider
1 slim nozzle
1 nylon round brush
1 wire brush
1 extension hose attachment
1 window cleaner/garment steamer  attachment
1 duster

the steam mop x5 with built-in portable steamer is designed not only to thoroughly clean floor surfaces, such as marble, ceramic, stone, linoleum, sealed hardwood floor and parquet, but get your entire house clinically clean! the steam mop x5 deodorizes sanitizes and increases cleaning power by converting water to steam. it also uses a microfibre floor cloth to enhance absorbency.
when contact is made with floor surfaces, dirt and grime can be eliminated in a matter of seconds. just detach the steam generator from the h20 base and becomes a powerful handheld steamer. cut trough baked on oven mess, sanitize kid's toys, blast away dirt in grout even steam clean blinds! attached the carpet glider and it converts into a carpet steamer! the dirt stops here!



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